Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mileage Run Recap

Sunday, September 10, 2006
The return portion of the Mileage Run was busy and relatively uneventful.

The Las Vegas Airport is very nice. Clean, spacious, well laid out, and plenty of slot machines. I made my $10 contribution to the one-armed bandits. I was ahead by $1.50 at one point, but gave it all back. Such is life.

I was surprised to find out Las Vegas’s Airport offers free Internet access. And it’s quiet fast! I really enjoyed being able to sit and wait for the next flight, and check e-mail and surf the web.

One message I received was from Launy, a long time friend. I met Launy in Manila in the late 70s. We were both part of the ex-pat crowd. Now she’s living somewhere in Africa. And I was sitting in Las Vegas reading an e-mail message from her. I remember sending mail via Air Post Office service in the 70s, and having to wait 3 weeks for delivery. Now messages can be sent and received instantaneously from practically anywhere to anywhere else in the world. Technology can make the world seem smaller and closer together.

The flight from LAS to SFO was relatively empty. I had a whole row to myself. There were a couple of Russian women sitting in the row across the aisle. They gabbed the entire flight. One time on the Metro, a Russian couple boarded. The woman talked the entire 30 minute trip, while the man said nothing the entire time. He only nodded occasionally.

The SFO airport was nice as well. The last time I flew through SFO was in January 1992. A number of nice restaurants and stores have been added since then. I picked up some See’s Candies for my mom. She was very appreciative. I also liked the flat panel display screens used at the gates to announce arrival and departure information

The flight from SFO to IAD was packed. United had to change planes, and apparently squeezed everyone into a smaller plan. I was slated to have my own row. But I ended up having to share. I slept for most of the flight. It was a redeye, and relatively uneventful.

We landed at Dulles on time. It was odd being back on the ground again after 16 hours of traveling.

5,707 miles posted to my account on Monday. That puts me at approximately 19,000 miles for the year. Another 6,000 miles and I will attain Premiere status. I’ll end up hitting that status in less than 2 weeks.

The amount of time put into flying makes you wonder if it is worth it. I’ll let you know after I get to enjoy my first upgrade.

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