Monday, August 21, 2006

DC Restaurant Week

Twice a year, DC-area restaurants get together and sponsor a “Restaurant Week.” Most offer pre-fixed menus for about $20 for lunch and $30 for dinner. The concept is great. You get to try some nice restaurants for a fixed price. But the delivery can be disappointing. In order to accommodate the large number of patrons who come out for restaurant week, the pre-fixed menus are often quite limited. And the food comes across as being made via a conveyor belt production process.

I actually prefer going to restaurants during non-restaurant week. That way, you get to choose from the entire menu. And you aren’t herded in and out. The Mrs. and me went to Kinkead’s last weekend with some other friends. I have been to Kinkead’s several times. It’s one of the best upscale seafood restaurants in DC. And the dishes I ordered were very tasty. But I was disappointed with the portions.

We each received two appetizer-sized portions and dessert for $30. I’d much rather spend a few extra dollars and get a proper entrée and dessert, than a skimpy meal. So, I post this as a word of caution to those of you thinking about trying DC Restaurant Week in the future.

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